Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

Kurt Selberg, MS, DVM, DACVR

Meetings are held twice yearly on the first Wednesday of March and November.

 IAEP 2022 Fall Meeting

Live & in Person – Wednesday, November 2, 2022

8:30am – 4:30pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

Location: Boone County Fairgrounds, Witham Pavilion

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 19, 2022

Register Online


Kurt Selberg, MS, DVM, DACVR
Partner, Inside Information Radiology
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Company

Kurt Selberg is a North Idaho native; where his family owned a quarter horse ranch.   After completing his doctorate in veterinary medicine from Washington State University, he completed an equine sports medicine internship at Virginia Equine Imaging in Middleburg, VA. He received his training in diagnostic imaging from Colorado State University and is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Radiologists.  Following his residency, he completed fellowship in advanced imaging with training from Colorado State University and from Musculoskeletal Radiologists in Fort Collins, CO.  He was an Assistant Professor of equine diagnostic imaging at the University of Georgia for 4 years before returning to an equine diagnostic imaging position at Colorado State University in September of 2016.  His area of interest is the equine athlete and musculoskeletal diagnostic imaging.  Dr. Selberg is a certified member and lecturer at many of the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology continuing education events.  He is also an FEI treating veterinarian. Most recently, he was the onsite imaging consultant for the 2018 World Equestrian Games and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.   Aside from radiology, he also enjoys skiing , jiu jitsu, fishing, spending time with good friends and family, his lovely wife Katie and 2 children, and two yellow dogs.


Educational Presentation: Topics in Lameness and Podiatry

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Sessions: 

  • The Foot – Radiographs/Ultrasound/Treatment
  • Hindlimb Suspensory Ligament Injury
  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch (Provided, from Shoup’s Country Foods) / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Sessions:

  • Forelimb Suspensory Ligament Injury
  • Pelvis/Back/SI Injury/Treatment/Ultrasound
  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

Amy Grice, DVM

Welcome Dr. Grice
Welcome Dr. Grice

Amy Grice, VMD, MBA
Amy Grice VMD, MBA, LLC.
Veterinary Business Consulting

Sponsored by:

Dr. Grice practiced as an ambulatory equine practitioner in the Hudson Valley of NY for 25 years. She served as the managing partner of Rhinebeck Equine LLP, a large equine referral practice, until 2015, when she opened a veterinary business consulting firm, Amy Grice VMD, MBA, LLC. Dr. Grice’s areas of special interest are communication, leadership, and business strategies. 

Whether providing consulting services to a practice owner; speaking on leadership and business skills as an educator; or serving as a facilitator to bring divergent parties to an agreement, Dr. Grice brings compassion, experience and focus.

Dr. Grice grew up in Woodbury, CT, where she was a Pony Clubber and competed in local hunter-jumper shows and hunter paces. She received her BA in Biology from Wellesley College and completed her veterinary education at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine. She earned her MBA from Marist College School of Management in 2014. Dr. Grice is a member of the Board of Directors of the AAEP, where she also serves on several committees.


Educational Presentation: Topics in Veterinary Business Consulting

  • Keeping Equine Practitioners in Practice
  • New Paradigms needed in Equine Practice
  • The Need for Boundaries  
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Is your Practice Healthy? 
  • Is your Practice Profitable? 

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

Board Meeting Minutes – 2022 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-March 1, 2022

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on March 1, 2022.

The meeting was called to order by President Dr. Angela Blackwell. 

Minutes from the Fall Board meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.   

Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson-Dedication of new hospital will be April 8th & 9th.  An equine veterinarian & veterinary technician are needed for the PVAA board.  Dr. Wilson encourages members to renew their memberships.

Purdue -Dr. Tim Lescun.  Open house at the Veterinary School will be the weekend of April 16th & 17th.  They are working through curriculum restructuring.  New faculty-Dr. Justin Hayna-Theriogenology, Dr. Tucker-Surgery, Dr. Anna Marero-Internal medicine & Emergency care.  The lobby has re-opened, masks are recommended.

IVMA-Dr. Angela Blackwell.  Senator Boot’s last push to get dentistry bill passed.  Several equine veterinarians attended the Ag. Committee meeting to oppose the bill.  Bill passed out of committee 5-4, passed out of the Senate, bill died in the House.  There is a bill in the House now that would give BOAH & the Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners more power to pursue lay people for practice act violations.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  EEE testing done in association with the Board of Health.  $75 reimbursement available to veterinarians who had horses showing clinical signs and submitted blood work.  No applications for reimbursement were submitted. No Indiana horses tested positive for EEE this year.  Nine cases of West Nile reported.  Global Vet Link working on extended CVIs.  Equine Disease Information Center reporting diseases out to the general public.

Old Business-

                Credit card switch-new processor set up for fall meeting.

New Business-

                Amanda Taylor has contacted Barbara Sigman about the IAEP scholarships for graduating Equine students.  IAEP in the past has donated $3000 to the top three equine students ($1500, $1000 & $500).  Discussion was held concerning continuing these scholarships.  IAEP will again award the scholarships.

                Dr. Jake Jensen has been contacted by Carrie Peterson of the IHRC.  Veterinarians are needed in the test barn of both race tracks.  No food had been arranged for the meeting tomorrow.  Barbeque is set for lunch.  Dr. Jensen will take care of coffee & donuts for the morning.  Dr. Waxman offered to pick up drinks and snacks for the afternoon.

                Dana Thompson questioned the fee for farriers at the fall meeting-same as veterinarians.

With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT

Executive Administrator

Stephen B. Adams, DVM, MS

Meetings are held twice yearly on the first Wednesday of March and November.

Stephen B. Adams, DVM, MS
Emeritus Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine

Diplomate: American College of Veterinary Surgeons

Dr. Adams began his experience in the world of veterinary medicine by helping raise Standardbred horses before earning his DVM degree in 1975 at Cornell University. He then came to Purdue where he completed his large animal surgery residency, earning his MS in 1978, and then joined the faculty as assistant professor of large animal surgery.  In 1981 he became board certified by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.  Rising through the academic ranks, he was promoted to full professor in 1987. 

During his time at Purdue, Dr. Adams earned numerous teaching awards, including the prestigious Raymond E. Plue Outstanding Teacher Award. As a scholar, his research interests have focused on equine orthopedics/orthopedic infections, joint disease and lameness.  Throughout his career, he has published numerous journal articles and written 20 book chapters, while also fulfilling national and international speaking engagements. 

One of his most recent projects involved serving as a vital member of the team that launched the new Caesars Entertainment Equine Specialty Hospital in Shelbyville, Ind. He then became the facility’s medical director. Dr. Adams also has been recognized as an Honored Mentor of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Furthermore, he has been praised for his ability to utilize new and innovative surgical techniques such as when he was involved with the first unilateral lung resection in an adult horse to treat an extensive granular cell tumor.  Additionally, Dr. Adams has been recognized for his empathy and compassion toward his patients and for always making students’ learning a top priority.

[This is an excerpt from “Honoring a Legacy – Retiring Large Animal Clinician Recognized by Equine Enthusuasts]


Educational Presentation: Various Topics in Equine Lameness

  • Research, Publications, Recent Findings
  • 40+ years of Equine Practice and Vision of the Future.

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

Sandra Taylor, DVM, DACVIM, PhD

 IAEP 2021 Spring Meeting

Virtual Meeting –  Wednesday, March 3, 2021

8:30am – 4:30pm
6 hours of Continuing Education


Sandra Taylor, DVM, DACVIM, PhD
Associate Professor, Large Animal Internal Medicine
Purdue University

Diplomate: American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Large Animal Internal Medicine), 2006

In 2001, Dr. Taylor earned her DVM degree at Washington State University (WSU), then completed an internship at an equine hospital in Tacoma, Wash. After completing an equine internal medicine residency at the University of California, Davis, she received her board certification in 2006 and returned to WSU where she earned a PhD in immunology in 2010.

In December 2010, Dr. Taylor started her career at Purdue. Dr. Taylor’s love for animals, particularly horses, led her to pursue a career in veterinary medicine. While investigating an equine model of HIV during graduate school, she developed a passion for research, and is especially interested in research that can be applied to both animals and humans.

Dr. Taylor has studied the anti-inflammatory effects of ketorolac tromethamine (KT) in the horse, and is investigating the analgesic properties of KT, phenylbutazone (Bute), and flunixin meglumine (Banamine®) in the horse. Dr. Taylor is conducting research aimed at improving treatments for sepsis in horses and is also investigating the safety and efficacy of using stem cells to treat sepsis.

  Topics Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Update

8:30 – 9:15amTheiler’s disease: What’s new?
9:15 – 10:00amPiroplasmosis: Is it still a foreign animal disease in the U.S.?
10:00 – 10:30amBreak
10:30 – 11:15am  Infectious Enterocolitis
11:15 – 12:00amEquine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome
Noon – 1:00pmIAEP Business Meeting
1:00 – 2:00pm Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM): An Update
2:00 – 2:30pm Management of Botulism in an Adult Horse
2:30 – 3:00pmBreak
3:00 – 4:00pmFever of Unknown Origin: Emerging Pathogen in the Midwest?
4:00 – 4:30pm  Tick Paralysis in two American Miniature horses

General Membership – 2021 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, LLC

General Membership Meeting, March 3, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 12:04 pm by President Jake Jensen via Zoom call.

New Business: Dr. Terry Brandenburg, Past President of the IAEP, passed away earlier this year.  The organization wanted to take a moment to recognize his contributions as an active member of the IAEP and Indiana horse community.  Dr. Habig expressed that we owe a portion of gratitude to those of Terry’s generation for their work in starting the IAEP.

Questions regarding the CE certificates: the IAEP had planned to hold the certificates from Fall 2020 to hopefully hand out in the Spring of 2021, however, this meeting is also virtual.  We anticipate a live meeting again in the Fall of 2021 and plan to get caught back up at that time.  Please notify Barb Sigman or email the organization if you need your certificate sooner.  

Secretary/Treasurer Barb Sigman was unable to attend due to a funeral.  Brief financial report from Dr. Jensen:  attendance for today’s meeting generated $2,855, relatively low expenses, due to lack of speaker travel expenses, facility rental and food.  However, there also was no Vendor contribution.  Financially, the organization is sound and if there are more detailed questions, please contact Barb.

A motion to approve the minutes from the November 2020 meeting was made and seconded.  Motion passed.

BOAH report-Dr. Sandra Norman.

BOAH has been very busy during the Pandemic and appreciates Veterinarians continuing to work. 

BOAH approved the use of the Extended Equine CVI (only available to GlobalVetLink customers) USDA program has memorandum agreement with GVL which allows a horse to get a Certificate that lasts 6 months as long as they put their destinations in.  Indiana is the 31st state to adopt, not good in border states OH, IL, MI, WI, but are approved in KY and most states to the south. Any questions can be directed to GVL.

Outbreak of EHV-1 in Spain at a large FEI show (84 clinical horses and 2 German horses that died).  Does not directly affect IN, however, in general, for outbreak questions go to Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC –

Purdue Update – Dr. Sarah Waxman.

New Hospital is being built, expect to be in use a year from now.  Still working out staffing.  Food animal and Equine will be separate facilities. 

Dr. Steve Adams is retiring this summer.  There is a search committee scouting to fill another surgeon position.

PUVTH is still using curbside service due to COVID-19.  There are signs instructing clients what to do when they pull up.  Call during the day, after hours, use the Buzzer.  In-person communication in the parking lot before the horse is taken in the facility & to discuss findings and treatment.  Exceptions are made for end of life situations.

Purdue Veterinary Alumni – Dr. Erin Wilson was unable to attend but relayed to Dr. Jensen to encourage members to join the Alumni Association.  They were able to provide some student PPE and help out a food pantry this year.

IVMA update – Dr. Julie Davis.

IVMA offered the Crossroads Veterinary Conference virtually providing over 20 hours of live CE.  Practice Act this year looks like there will not be much change this year due to COVID being a priority, so we are not likely to have to fight the dentistry battle again this year.  However, there was a lot of activity online over the winter. 

Regarding CE, even though this current instruction was previously recorded, it is still considered live CE because the speaker is online and available to answer questions.

The floor was opened for other topics of discussion, none were presented.

A motion was made to conclude the business meeting and seconded.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Dana Thompson, Sec/Treas Delegate  (Substitute for Barb Sigman, RVT – Sec/Treas)

Board Meeting Minutes – 2021 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-March 2, 2021

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on March 2, 2021.

The meeting was called to order  by President Dr. Jake Jensen. 

Minutes from the Fall Board meeting were discussed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report-Financial report should say current assets as of March 1, 2021.A motion was made and seconded to approve the report with the agreed changes made.  Motion passed.   

Purdue -Dr. Tim Lescun.  Building construction is continuing on schedule.  Move in will be approximately 12 months (Spring 2022). Naming of the new hospital due to donation from Dr. David Brunner.  Dr. Adams is retiring mid-year. A search is on for his replacement.  The Covid pandemic has changed some aspects of the classes but plans are continuing for regular in person classes this Fall semester.  Curbside service is still ongoing at the hospitals.

Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson-PVAA helped fund PPE for students.  A food pantry has been started at the school.  Donations can be made through Amazon or the PVAA.  Fall conference and the Horsemen’s Forum were both virtual.  Dr. Wilson reminds everyone to renew their membership.

BOAH-Dr. Sandra Norman-Covid response by the BOAH kept all processing plants open during the pandemic.  Extended CVI has been approved only through Global Vet Link.  Thirty one states are participating allowing  six month duration.  EEE testing has been done in 12 upper north counties.  This testing will continue this fall.

New Business-

                Amanda Taylor has contacted Barbara Sigman about the IAEP scholarships for graduating Equine students.  IAEP in the past has donated $3000 to the top three equine students ($1500, $1000 & $500).  Discussion was held concerning continuing these scholarships.  IAEP will again award the scholarships.

                Dr. Adams has tentatively agreed to be the speaker for our fall meeting.  Discussion held about appreciation gift for Dr. Adams.

IVMA-Dr. Sandra Norman-Telehealth Bill-need PCR to approve.  Currently the Controlled substance reporting bill requires prescribers to report daily even if 0 amount is prescribed.  It has been asked to remove that report.  Dr. Scott Thompson has produced a video showing what equipment & expertise is needed to properly perform equine dentistry.  IVMA has that video available if the dentistry bill is brought back to the legislature.   

With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT

Executive Administrator

Nicole Scherrer, DVM, DACVO

 IAEP 2020 Fall Meeting

Virtual Meeting –  Wednesday, November 4, 2020

8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 28, 2020

Registration is now closed.


Nicole Scherrer, DVM, DACVO
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, New Bolton Center

Dr. Nikki Scherrer, DVM, DACVO currently serves as Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. Dr. Scherrer received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and graduated summa cum laude at DePauw University in Greencastle, IN. She attended Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana, where she earned a doctorate degree from the Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation, she interned at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, followed by a second rotating internship at University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center. This experience opened the door into an ophthalmology residency at New Bolton Center. She became a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists in 2019.

 Topics in Ophthalmology

The ophthalmic examination
Adnexal disease
Corneal disease (nonulcerative and ulcerative)
Uveitis and associated complications
Case Discussions

Indiana VetPD – November 2020

Evidence-based Podiatry for Equine Practitioners

Janssen Veterinary Clinic on Friday 6th Nov 2020 – Saturday 7th Nov 2020

Download the PDF Description