Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

General Membership – 2020 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

General Membership Meeting, November 4, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 12:02 pm via Zoom call by Jake Jensen, DVM – President.

A motion to approve the minutes for the Spring General Membership Meeting was made and seconded.  Motion passed.

An overview of the financial statement was presented by Dr. Jake Jensen.  A formal report will be emailed later this week.

The Association recognizes the contribution of Dr. Terry Brandenburg, who passed away in January, 2021

BOAH report-Dr. Sandra Norman.  VS less in Missouri and Kansas.  Closer than usual.  EEE testing program for neurologic cases. Northeast Indiana and Michigan testing all neurologic cases.  Spraying for mosquitos in Northern Indiana.  Reimbursement available for veterinarians testing neurologic cases for EEE.  International shipping-quarantine at Churchhill Downs.  Can fly into Indianapolis.  African horse sickness reported in Thailand and Malaysia.

Purdue Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson.  Curbside service currently being used in hospitals.  New hospital construction is on schedule with Spring 2022 opening expected.  Horseman’s Forum will be virtual in February, 2021.  Dr. Wilson encourages membership in the Veterinary Alumni Association.

New Business:

                                Elections:  President elect-nominee Dr. Angie Blackwell.  No further nominations from the floor.  Motion made and passed to close nominations.  Dr. Blackwell is President elect for 2022.

                                Board of Directors:  Dr. Heather Solomon and Dr. Sarah Waxman.  No further nominations from the floor.  Motion made and seconded to close nominations.  Motion passed.  Dr. Solomon & Dr. Waxman elected to the board of directors.

Old Business:

                Dentistry Bill-Senator Leising-Lay people movement.  IVMA has a Practice Act task force. Task Force also looking at telemedicine, virtual PCR.    

With no further business needing to be brought before the membership, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 12:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT 

Carla Pasteur, MS, DVM, CVA, CVSMT, CERP

IAEP Spring Meeting

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday February 19th, 2020

Print Registration Form to mail
Register Online


Dr. Carla Pasteur & Horse Ami

Carla Pasteur, MS, DVM, CVA, CVSMT, CERP
Main Instructor, Integrative Veterinary Medical Institute

Dr. Pasteur received her veterinary degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1991 and her Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine from the Chi Institute in 2017. She is certified as a CVA by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society and completed training at the International School of Equine Osteopathy. She is a certified veterinary spinal manipulation therapist by The Healing Oasis Wellness Center. She has been an instructor of acupuncture at the Chi Institute since 2005. In 2011, Dr. Pasteur established the Pasteur Equine Learning Institute and began offering the Equine Medical Manipulation (EMM) course to veterinarians on how to combine conventional and alternative methods in treating horses. She is a member of the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology and instructor at the Integrative Veterinary Medical Institute. She has researched and written articles on neck pain and stiffness in horses. Her veterinary practice is primarily Thoroughbred racehorses and sport horses and focuses on performance, pre-habilitation and conditioning.  Dr. Pasteur has lectured around the world on medical manipulation technique and acupuncture in equine treatment.

Dr. Pasteur is a dressage rider and has earned her USDF bronze, silver and gold medals.


Educational Presentation: Various Topics in Integrative Veterinary Medicine

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

Lori Thompson, DVM, DACVD

IAEP Fall Meeting

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 30th, 2019

Print Registration Form to mail
Register Online


Welcome Lori Thompson
Lori Thompson, DVM, DACVD
Veterinary Dermatologist
Owner, Animal Allergy & Dermatology Center of Indiana, LLC

Dr. Lori Thompson received her BS in Industrial Psychology in 1992 from IUPUI. Before entering veterinary school, she worked as a Human Resources Generalist for a large insurance company and as an Associate Executive Director for an international association management firm.

After receiving her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine in 2000, Dr. Thompson worked in general practice for one year before her love of veterinary dermatology led her to complete a 3 year residency in veterinary dermatology with Animal Allergy & Skin Disease Center in Indianapolis. Dr. Thompson continued practicing as a board-certified veterinary dermatologist at a local specialty hospital until joining Elanco Animal Health in 2007. She served as a Veterinary Technical Consultant and helped launch the Companion Animal Health Division. Dr. Thompson opened Animal Dermatology Clinic in Indianapolis in October of 2009, where she served as the Managing Partner until September of 2016. In October of 2016, Dr. Thompson decided to open her own practice in order to better serve her clients and patients and Animal Allergy & Dermatology Center of Indiana, LLC. was formed!

Dr. Thompson is very active in organized veterinary medicine. She is a Past President of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association and currently serves on the Audit/Budget Committee and the Legislative Committee. Dr. Thompson is an active member of the American College of Veterinary Medicine and the American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology. She serves as a consultant for both Veterinary Information Network (since 2003) and Antech Diagnostics (since 2010). Dr. Thompson serves as the Chairperson for the AVMA taskforce on veterinary compounding legislation. She lectures locally and nationally to help educate other veterinarians and pet owners about veterinary dermatology.

Dr. Thompson was nominated for The Best Veterinarian of the Year Award as part of the “Thank Your Vet for a Healthy Pet” contest sponsored by Morris Animal Foundation in 2007. She is a past recipient of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology Resident’s Research Award and the Bastien Award for Exceptional Canine Care from Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Thompson was the recipient of the 2014 CIVMA Veterinarian of the Year Award. She is the proud recipient of the 2017 IVMA Lifetime Achievement Award.

Lori has been married for 30 years to husband Jim, a senior systems engineer for Trace 3. They share their home in the country with 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 minis, and 2 horses. In her “free” time, Lori loves to quilt!


Educational Presentation: Various Topics in Allergy & Dermatology

8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

Myra Barrett, DVM MS DACVR

IAEP Fall Meeting

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Thursday November 1st, 2018

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Register Online


Myra Barrett, DVM MS DACVR
Assistant Professor, Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, Colorado State University
Founding Partner, Inside Information Radiology

Welcome Myra Barrett

Dr. Barrett earned her DVM from Colorado State University. She then completed a year-long internship at Oakridge Equine Hospital, in Edmond, Oklahoma. Returning to CSU, she underwent a non-conforming radiology residency focusing on equine diagnostic imaging and training with equine imaging experts in the US and internationally.   At the same time, Dr. Barrett obtained a master’s degree through the Orthopaedic Research Center at CSU.  After achieving diplomate status in the American College of Veterinary Radiology, she stayed on at CSU as a special appointment faculty and later accepted a position as a tenure-track assistant professor of radiology.

Dr. Barrett is the head of the equine diagnostic imaging service at CSU, which includes all modalities of clinical diagnostic imaging of horses, as well as training of diagnostic imaging residents, equine diagnostic imaging interns & fellows and equine sports medicine residents.

Dr. Barrett’s primary research and clinical interests are equine musculoskeletal imaging and comparative imaging, and she works closely with the equine surgery and sports medicine services. Dr. Barrett is also involved with canine sports medicine service to offer musculoskeletal ultrasound and MRI examinations of canine sports medicine patients.

In 2011, Dr. Barrett founded Inside Information Radiology, with her partner, Dr. Selberg. She has spoken at multiple large national meetings and is regularly involved in continuing education courses.

Dr. Barrett is dedicated to the advancement of the specialty of equine diagnostic imaging and is currently the president of the Large Animal Diagnostic Imaging Society, a subgroup of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.

Outside of work, she enjoys biking, skiing, riding horses, and spending time with daughters Siena and Sydney and husband Dave.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors
  • Multimodality imaging of the foot
  • Ultrasound guided procedures
  • Multimodality imaging of the hind PSL and tarsus

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors
  • Cervical spine imaging
  • Improving radiographic technique
  • Interactive case discussions

Harold Schott, DVM, PHD, DACVIM

IAEP Spring Meeting

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Thursday March 1st, 2018

Print Registration Form to mail
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Harold Schott, DVM, PHD, DACVIM
Professor, Large Animal Clinical Sciences
Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Welcome Hal Schott

Dr. Schott received his DVM degree in 1984 from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. He started his career with three years in private equine practice in Southern California. Dr. Schott subsequently pursued advanced training by completing a residency in equine internal medicine and a PhD in equine exercise physiology at Washington State University. Since 1995, Dr. Schott has been an equine medicine clinician at Michigan State University with a strong clinical interest in urinary tract disorders and endocrinological disorders. In addition, he continues to pursue a research interest of fluid and electrolyte balance in endurance horses.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30am – noon Morning Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors
  • Update on PPID (with cases)
  • Insulin Dysregulation / Equine Metabolic Syndrome (with cases)
  • Practical Fluid Therapy – tricks that can be used in the field

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Topics

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors
  • Pass the Salt – electrolytes for sport horses
  • Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease – some thoughts
  • Red Urine – conditions you may have never heard of

Timothy B. Lescun, BVSc, PhD

IAEP Fall Meeting

Wednesday November 1st, 2017
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 18th, 2017

Print Registration Form to mail
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Timothy B. Lescun, BVSc, PhD
Associate Professor, Large Animal Surgery
Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine

Welcome Timothy B. Lescun

Dr. Timothy Lescun attended veterinary school at the University of Melbourne in Australia and graduated in 1994. In 1999, he began his residency at Purdue University, earning his Certification as a Diplomate: American College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2000. He completed his PhD in 2015. Dr. Lescun’s areas of interest are: local antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of septic arthritis in horses; agnosis and treatment of orthopedic infections; transfixation pin complications in the horse; evaluation of temperature generation and microdamage during drilling, tapping and pin placement procedures in equine bone; and use of low level vibrations to prevent bone loss during transfixation casting.

Dr. Lescun has authored numerous publications in the subjects of equine lameness and surgery.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30 – 9:15 The lameness exam versus inertial sensor systems
9:15 – 10:00 Nerve blocks – do I trust them? A review.

Break – Visit Vendors

10:30 – 11:15 What scan is that? Case presentations
11:15 – 12:00 What has MRI added to the treatment of foot lameness?

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30 – 2:15 Current approaches to synovial sepsis – Case presentations
2:15 – 3:00 Wounds; grafting, dressings and topical stuff

Break – Visit Vendors

3:30 – 4:15 Predicting fracture risk in the horse – preliminary results
4:15 – 5:00 Case presentations – surgical challenges

Karen E. Wolfsdorf, DVM, DACT

IAEP Spring Meeting

Wednesday February 22nd, 2017
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday February 15th, 2017

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Karen E. Wolfsdorf, DVM, DACT
Welcome Karen E. Wolfsdorf

Dr. Karen Wolfsdorf attended veterinary school at the University of Florida and graduated in 1992. After completion of her DVM, she began an equine field service internship at North Carolina State University. In 1995, Dr. Wolfsdorf completed a residency in Theriogenology at the University of Florida and became board certified in Theriogenology. Before coming to Hagyard Equine Medical Institute, she spent time working in Australia with Dr. Pascoe at Oakey Veterinary Hospital. In 1996, Dr. Wolfsdorf joined Hagyard as an Associate and in 2002 she became one of the first two woman Members of the Practice. Dr. Wolfsdorf’s main area of interest is infertility in the mare and problems during pregnancy. She spends her time working as a field veterinarian and as a specialist at the McGee Fertility Center.

She has authored many chapters on equine reproduction as well as lectured worldwide and published research regarding progesterone, retained endometrial cups and equine twin reduction with cranio-cervical dislocation.

She will be speaking about various topics in theriogenology.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30 – 10:00 Management of Infertility in the Problem Mare

Break-Visit Vendors

10:30 – 11:15 Culture/Cytology
11:15 – 12:00 Pharmacological Manipulation of Anestrus and Transitional Mares

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30 – 2:15 Management of Twins
2:15 – 3:00 Monitoring the High Risk Mare

Break-Visit Vendors

3:30 – 4:15 Problems of the Pregnant Mare
4:15 – 5:00 Post-partum Complications

Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA

IAEP Fall Meeting

Wednesday November 2nd, 2016
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 19th, 2016

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Mike Pownall, DVM, MBA
Welcome Dr. Mike Pownall

Prior to becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Mike Pownall worked as a farrier for seven years. His interest in equine lameness led him to attend the Ontario Veterinary College, graduating in 2001. In 2002 he and his wife, Dr. Melissa McKee, started McKee-Pownall Equine Services. Their organization is represented by 3 equine veterinary clinics with 11 vets and 20 support staff spread across the Greater Toronto Area. In 2015 he was the Veterinary Services Manager for the Pan-Am Games in Toronto, Ontario. He is also a partner with Oculus Insights, offering business education to veterinarians throughout the world.

Dr. Pownall received his MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario, and was the class valedictorian. He presents internationally on business strategy, pricing, digital marketing and technology for veterinarians. He also contributes to numerous journals on business management topics.

Dr. Pownall has a blog and podcast on veterinary business management at You can follow him on twitter @dvmbusiness and the Veterinary Business Matters Facebook Page. The website for McKee-Pownall Equine Services is and the website for Oculus Insights is

He will be speaking about various topics in practice management.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30 – 10:00 Pricing Strategies for Equine Veterinarians

Break-Visit Vendors

10:30 – 12:00 Pricing Strategies (continued)

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30 – 3:00 Employee Reviews and Compensation

Break-Visit Vendors

3:30 – 5:00 Cash Flow Management

Chris Kawcak, DVM, PhD

IAEP Spring Meeting

Wednesday March 2nd, 2016
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education


Chris Kawcak, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS & ACVSMR
Welcome Dr. Chris Kawcak

Dr. Kawcak is a Professor of Equine Surgery and Sports Medicine, Director of Equine Clinical Services and a senior scientist in the Equine Orthopedic Research Center at Colorado State University. In 2005, he developed the Equine Sports Medicine Service at Colorado State University, which has evolved into a 3 person practice with 3 staff, 4 residents being trained for ACVSMR certification, and an intern specializing in advanced imaging. The Surgery and Sports Medicine services are integrated with the Equine Orthopedic Research Center with the goal of advancement in equine orthopedics. This group not only focuses on clinical diagnostics and treatment, but also on development of new imaging modalities and therapies, and collaboration with many clinicians in practice, creating an intense focus on finding answers to clinically-relevant problems in the equine athlete. These advancements in imaging, therapies and rehabilitation are brought directly into clinical use by the group. Dr. Kawcak’s practice includes management of western performance horses, sport horses and racehorses, with an active surgical caseload focusing on orthopedics. CSU Bio

He will be speaking about various topics in performance horse pain, injury and treatment.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30 – 10:00 The Complexity of Identifying Performance-Limiting Pain in the Equine Athlete

Break-Visit Vendors

10:30 – 12:00 Advancements in Diagnostic Methods for Identifying the Cause of Pain in the Horse

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30 – 3:00 Medical Options for Treating Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury in Horses

Break-Visit Vendors

3:30 – 5:00 The Equine Athlete – When to Compete, Treat, Rehab or Rest

Dennis Brooks, DVM, PhD

IAEP Fall Meeting

Wednesday November 4th, 2015
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

 Reservations Due by Wednesday October 21st, 2015

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Register Online


Dr. Dennis Brooks, DVM, PhD
Welcome, Dr. Dennis Brooks, DVM, PhD

Dr. Brooks passed the certifying examination of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists in 1984. Dr. Brooks received a PhD in 1987 from the University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Brooks has been a scientist & clinician in academia and is a Professor Emeritus of Ophthalmology. He was the President of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists from 1997-1998. Dr. Brooks has written over 170 academic scientific publications, 76 book chapters , received $2.3 million in research grants, & has given over 300 lectures both nationally & internationally in comparative ophthalmology. His book, Equine Ophthalmology, was published in 2002 and again in 2008. A book, Small Animal Ophthalmology, was published in 2011. He received the British Equine Veterinary Association’s Sir Frederick Smith Memorial Lecture & Medal Recipient in 2007, and received the Frank J. Milne State of the Art Award at the AAEP in 2010. Dr. Brooks has extensive experience in amnion grafting, corneal transplantation & cataract surgeries of the horse.

He will be speaking about various topics in equine ophthalmology.


8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors

8:30 – 10:30 Eye Exam of the Horse

Break-Visit Vendors

11:00 – 12:00 Corneal Haze: Immune Mediated Keratitis and Stromal Abscesses

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting

1:30 – 3:30 Eye Emergencies of the Horse, including superficial and deep corneal ulcers

Break-Visit Vendors

4:00 – 5:00 Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU)