Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

Board Meeting Minutes – 2023 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-October 30, 2023

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on October 30, 2023.  The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by President Sarah Waxman. 

Minutes from the Spring Board meeting were discussed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report- A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.

PVAA-Dr. Erin Wilson reported PVAA met 2 weeks ago.  Average starting salary for new graduates is $119,000.  Debt for new graduates from Purdue averages $45,000 while the national average is $95,000.  2027 class had 1800 applications.  Eighty nine students in the Class of 2027. Sixty percent Indiana residents and $0% nonresidents.  Twenty six percent of the class will be male with thirty one percent minority students.  Veterinary nurses with a BS average $145,000. The distance learning program for veterinary nursing continues to grow.  Updates & redesign of the program is being done.  The PVAA is in need of new board members.  You should be receiving your Alumni association dues renewal shortly.    

Purdue -Dr. Sarah Waxman gave a brief report.  The hospital is settled in.  Emergency team is better staffed. Two new visiting surgeons have been hired.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  Center for Animal Policy is now in place.  Dr. Heather Solomon-Gabl has joined BOAH.  She will transition over to Equine in the future. There have been four positive West Nile and no EEE cases. The WN cases had 2 reported in southern Indiana and 2 in northern Indiana.  Two Vesicular stomatitis quarantines came back negative.  One Piroplasmosis case-the mare was euthanized and the foal went back home in a different state and to BOAH’s knowledge is being monitored there.

IVMA-Dr. Brian Biggers reported.  IVMA convention will be held February 1-3, 2024.  Equine speakers are listed for Friday, Feb. 2.  No legislative issues to report.

New Business-

  1. Barbara Sigman announced her resignation as Executive Administrator effective the conclusion of the Fall 2024 meeting.  Barbara thanked the board for their support and hopes to help transition the new appointee.  If someone desires to begin the position sooner than the Spring 2025 meeting Barbara is willing to step down earlier.
  2. Two directors and President elect will need to be elected at the general membership meeting tomorrow.  Discussion held for President Elect-Dr. Kate Hodson has agreed to submit her name for election.  Dr. Natalie Skillman will be considered for Pres. Elect in 2025.
  3. Ideas are needed for future speakers.  Topics suggested by the membership include New pain management options, Dr. Jamieson from Purdue on emergency medicine, realistic rehabilitation, and alternative modalities.

An emergency co-op has been formed by Drs Blackwell, Skillman, Beam, Clarke and Kirtley.  Weekend and holiday emergency are handled on a rotating basis with strictly haul in cases unless a horse in down. 

                With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT

Executive Administrator                                                                                                 

General Membership – 2024 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practioners, LLC

General Membership Meeting March 6th, 2024.

Meeting was called to order at 1:04 PM by Dr. Lydia Mudd, IAEP President.

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the Fall 2023 General Membership Meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.

Financial report- motion was made to approve the Spring 2024 Financial Report. Motion was seconded and passed.

IVMA Update-Dr. Brian Biggers

The Crossroads Veterinary Conference (held February 1-4, 2024) was well attended. Considerations are being made for offering wet labs in 2025. There were several sessions focused on supporting new grads and life coaching. The equine track was sponsored by Boehringer-Ingelheim, who will also sponsor the equine track in 2025.

Indiana BOAH Update- Dr. Heather Solomon

There have been 3 recent quarantines for EHM in LaGrange County. One horse has been released. There have been many cases recently here in the Midwest; please contact BOAH for biosecurity questions or issues. Please encourage good biosecurity practices with your owners!

If you have a case of EHV-neurologic confirmed by a laboratory, it is the practitioner’s responsibility to report to the BOAH. Lab policies differ, and many labs do not send reportables to the state.

Purdue Alumni Report- Dr. Erin Wilson

Data from 2023 DVM graduating class:

Average salary: $119,000

Average student debt upon graduation: $145,000 (national average is $195,000).

Program received 1800 applications for the class of 2027- 85 seats available. Curriculum focus is on primary and spectrum of care.

Vet tech distance learning program enrollment numbers are up. On campus program is still limited to 30 seats per class.

Average salary for class of 2023 RVTgs (bachelor’s degree): $45,000.

Average salary for class of 2023 RVTs (associate’s degree): $40,000.

The Alumni Association is in need of a new board member this year.  Board has two meetings per year. Next meeting is in March.  If interested, contact Dr. Wilson.

Purdue Veterinary Teaching Hospital- Dr. Sarah Waxman

ECC team is well-established and fully staffed.

Please reach out to VTH if you or your clients experience any communication difficulties.  A new IT system has been put in place, and there are some known issues with voice mails and calls.

Francois Bertin has joined the faculty as an associate professor of large animal internal medicine.

Please send dental cases for CT scans!

Dean Reed will be retiring soon (June).

New Business

November meeting: We will be electing a new president and voting in 2 new members-at-large. The plan is to take incoming board members through onboarding steps. Current members are making lists of duties for their positions.

Our next board meeting is Wednesday, November 6th. Dr. Simon Curtis will speak on podiatry. The Indiana Farriers’ Association will co-sponsor the lecture with us.

No other new business. Motion made to adjourn. Motion was seconded and passed. Meeting ended at 1:21 PM.

Kari Brubeck, Secretary/Treasurer

Jack Easley, DVM, MS, DABVP, DAVDC

Meetings are held twice yearly on the first Wednesday of March and November.

 IAEP 2024 Spring Meeting

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

8:30am – 4:50pm
6 hours of CE

Location: Boone County Fairgrounds, Witham Pavilion

 Reservations Due by February 21, 2024

Register Online


Jack Easley, DVM, MS, DABVP, DAVDC
Equine Dental Specialist
Easley Equine Dentistry

Dr. Easley received a DVM degree from Tuskegee University in 1976. In 1982, he was certified as a Diplomate for the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Equine) and was recertified in 1992, 2002, and 2012. Jack Easley served as a surgeon at Kansas State University and Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, where he completed an Equine Surgical Residency, Master’s Degree in Surgery and became an ABVP (Equine) Diplomate. Since 1982, he has been in private equine practice with an emphasis on dentistry. In 2014, he was certified by the American Veterinary Dental College (Equine). He edited the first major equine dentistry textbook, Equine Dentistry, has written multiple research and clinical papers, and is regarded a pioneer of the recent revival of scientific equine dental studies. He most recently has become board certified by the American Veterinary Dental College as one of the first Equine Dental Specialists.

Dr. Easley is also the co-editor and major contributor of Equine Dentistry texts, including lead author on a new Equine Dentistry & Maxillofacial Surgery text.

Dr. Easley resides in Shelbyville, Kentucky where he owns a private practice emphasizing equine dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, medicine and reproduction.


Dr. Easley will be joined by his dental residents Dr. William “Bo” Rainbow and Dr. Helio Vasco who will be helping present the following topics.

 8:00am –  8:20am  Registration / Opportunity to visit with Vendors

8:30am –  9:20am  Lecture 1

  • Historical Milestones in Equine Veterinary Dentistry (progress in instrumentation, diagnostic equipment, sedation, local anesthesia, and imaging)

 9:30am – 10:20am Lecture 2

  • Developmental dental disease (malocclusions, congenital deformities, juvenile growths and tumors, injuries to the head in young horses) 

10:30am – 11:10am Break for Visiting with Vendors

 11:10am – noon  Lecture 3

  • What Constitutes a “Modern Equine Dental Checkup” (what your practice should try to deliver for each dental contact)

noon – 1:25pm Lunch (Provided, from Shoup’s Country Foods) / Vendors / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 2:20pm Lecture 4

  • Dental Pathology is More Than Sharp Points (how to diagnose and treat periodontal disease, dental caries, endodontic disease and crown fractures)

2:30am – 3:00am Break for Visiting with Vendors

3:00pm – 3:50pm Lecture 5

  • Dental Radiographs (when they are indicated, how to take, and when to obtain help with interpretation)

4:00pm – 4:50pm Lecture 6

  • Common Dental Problems in the Geriatric Horse (EOTRH, abnormal crown wear, periodontal disease, loose and expired teeth)

Anna Pesta Dunaway, Ph.D. and Greg Schmid, DVM

Meetings are held twice yearly on the first Wednesday of March and November.

 IAEP 2023 Fall Meeting

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

8:30am – 4:50pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

Location: Boone County Fairgrounds, Witham Pavilion

 Reservations Due by October 18, 2023

Register Online


Anna Pesta Dunaway, Ph.D.
Nutritionist, Equine Technical Solutions Team
Purina Animal Nutrition

Dr. Dunaway is a Nutritionist on the Equine Technical Solutions Team at Purina Animal Nutrition. She is responsible for helping to bring innovative solutions from the research team out to the field. She spends most of her time providing technical consultations and support to the sales team on the East Coast, as well as speaking on equine nutrition at horse owner meetings and professional conferences. Anna earned her BS in Animal Science from Kansas State University and received both her MS and PhD in Animal Nutrition from the University of Nebraska. Her graduate research focused on the use of high fat diets and manipulating the microbial community in the gut. Anna resides in Aiken, SC and is a lifelong equestrian with a special interest in the nutrition and development of the future sport horse.

Greg Schmid, DVM
Equine Professional Services Veterinarian
Dechra Veterinary Products

Dr. Greg Schmid is an Equine Professional Services Veterinarian for Dechra Veterinary Products, LLC. He is a lifelong equestrian with a background primarily in English sport horse disciplines. He is a graduate of the Otterbein University Equine Science program and received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from The Ohio State University. Greg then completed an internship at B.W. Furlong & Associates in New Jersey and went on to work with Dr. John R. Steele and Associates, primarily treating Hunters and Jumpers throughout the East Coast. Afterward, he joined Columbia Equine Hospital near Portland, Oregon where he worked on a wide variety of horses before joining Dechra. Greg is an active member of the AAEP and currently serves on the Student Subcommittee for the Commission on Equine Veterinary Sustainability.


 8:00am –  8:20am  Registration / Opportunity to visit with Vendors

8:30am –  9:20am  Lecture 1

  • Feeding for total tract digestive health (to cover from dental to gastric to hindgut concerns) 

 9:30am – 10:20am Lecture 2

  • The role of nutrition in developing equine athletes (to cover growing horse issues and ways to optimize nutrition for high performance horses)

10:30am – 11:10am Break for Visiting with Vendors

 11:10am – noon  Lecture 3

  • Management of nutritionally related medical conditions (to cover EMS, PPID, weight loss & gain, a bit on renal and liver issues, etc.. excluding myopathies)

noon – 1:25pm Lunch (Provided, from Shoup’s Country Foods) / Vendors / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 2:20pm Lecture 4

  • Where do feed and forage quality conversations fit in my practice? (to cover hay testing, how to interpret it, the role of a nutritional consult with clients/where to get help, and some aspects of feed quality/safety/manufacturing)

2:30am – 3:00am Break for Visiting with Vendors

3:00pm – 3:50pm Lecture 5

  • An update on the Use of Bisphosphonates in Horses

4:00pm – 4:50pm Lecture 6

  • Equine Osteoarthritis & Chondroprotective Therapies

General Membership – 2023 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

General Membership Meeting, November 1, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm by President Sarah Waxman.

A motion to approve the minutes for the Spring General Membership Meeting was made and seconded.  Motion passed.

A motion to approve the Financial Report was made and seconded. Motion passed.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  Center for Animal Policy is up and running.  Director is Laura Turner.  ECVI is no longer supported. Transitioning to Vet CVI-a free service online. Several online training dates are scheduled.  Four West Nile positive horses, two in southern Indiana and two in northern Indiana.  All appear to be unvaccinated cases.  No EEE cases this year.  Two vesicular stomatitis investigations were made.  Both ended with negative test results.  One piroplasmosis quarantine.  The mare was euthanized after foaling and the foal has been sent back to it’s home state.  New field veterinarian-Dr. Heather Solomon-Gabl.  She will slowly be transitioning to take over the Equine division.

Purdue Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson. Fall meeting was held 2 weeks age.  2027 vet class had 1800 applications, 60% are in state residents, 40% out-of-state residents, with 26% being male students.  Two early admissions from the Vet scholars program and the Vet up program.  Average salary for 2023 graduates is $119,000 with a student debt averaging $195,000.  Purdue graduating veterinarians average a debt of $145,000.  Veterinary nursing distance learning program is growing.  Reorganization of the program is being done at this time.  Average veterinary nurse salary with a BS degree is $45,000, $40,000 with an associate degree.  Please renew your PVAA membership.  New board members are needed, especially equine associates. 

Purdue-Dr. Sarah Waxman.  Emergency positions are better staffed.  New surgeons have been hired.  Standing CT is an option for advanced imaging.

IVMA-Dr. Brian Biggers.  IVMA annual convention will be held Feb. 1-3, 2024.  Friday, Feb. 2nd will be the primary Equine day.  Saturday will have USDA certifications sessions.

New Business:

                                Elections:  President elect-nominee Dr. Kate Hodson.  Dr. Hodson is President elect for 2024.

                                Board of Directors:  Dr. Karin Jensen and Dr. Lexi Miller.  No further nominations from the floor.  Motion made and seconded to close nominations.  Motion passed.  Dr. Jensen & Dr. Miller are elected to the board of directors.

                                Dr. Waxman announced that Barbara Sigman, RVT was retiring from her position as Executive Administrator effective at the end of 2024 or whenever a replacement is announced.  Kari Brubeck, RVT volunteered for the position.  She and Barbara will work together for the Spring 2024 meeting to smooth the transition.

With no further business needing to be brought before the membership, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 1:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT 

Board Meeting Minutes – 2023 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-February 27, 2023

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on February 27, 2023.

The meeting was called to order by President Dr. Sarah Waxman.

A lot of difficulties with communication this session.  Looking for new ways to communicate between board members.  Dr. Angela Blackwell discussed using GroupMe.  They currently use this application at their practice and seem to find it reliable.  Would need an administrator.  Dana Thompson is already doing a lot of these same duties so she will volunteer to be the admin.

Dr. Valberg is driving in for meeting.  Should arrive in Lebanon tonight.  Dr. Blackwell has breakfast and snacks handled.  Shoup’s will again be catering the lunch. 

Minutes from the Fall Board meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.   

Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson-Next meeting is in March.  Nothing new to report since our Fall meeting.

Purdue -Dr. Waxman.  Hospital issues have mostly been resolved.  Still short staffed.  Emergency personnel have all left.  Dr. Camilla Jamieson, who is Internal Medicine credentialed is currently running the emergency services.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  EHV cases in state and around the country.  Working on Center for Animal Policy-goes into effect July 1st.  Survey sent out to all veterinarians.  Please fill out and send back.

New Business-

                 Amanda Taylor has contacted Barbara Sigman about the IAEP scholarships for graduating Equine students.  IAEP in the past has donated $3000 to the top three equine students ($1500, $1000 & $500).  Discussion was held concerning continuing these scholarships.  IAEP will again award the scholarships with the stipulation that the winners must be continuing in the equine field upon graduation.  Dr. Waxman will monitor this situation with Purdue.

                 Registration fees-discussion held concerning the rising costs and the need to increase the registration fees.  Board decided that preregistration would increase for veterinarians to $95 and Technicians/Assistants to $65.  Students will remain at no charge.          

With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Sigman, RVTBarbara Sigman, RVT
Executive Administrator

Stephanie Valberg, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

Meetings are held twice yearly on the first Wednesday of March and November.

 IAEP 2023 Spring Meeting

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

8:30am – 4:30pm
6 hours of Continuing Education

Location: Boone County Fairgrounds, Witham Pavilion


Stephanie Valberg, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
Partner, Inside Information Radiology
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Company

Stephanie Valberg was named the Mary Anne McPhail Dressage Chair in Equine Sports Medicine in November of 2015 and retired in December of 2022. Valberg is an international leader in understanding and managing equine neuromuscular disorders. The overarching goal of her research and clinical work is to define the basis for neuromuscular disorders in horses; develop accurate, minimally invasive diagnostic tests; and produce optimal methods for preventing or managing performance-limiting diseases.

Valberg’s work in equine muscle disease has transformed equine clinical practice. Her research has led to the discovery of previously unknown muscle disorders, identification of their genetic basis, and development of nutritional strategies to minimize muscle pain. She was part of a team that developed the first feed used to treat tying up, and was a member of the team that sequenced the equine genome.

Valberg came to MSU from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. She established the Neuromuscular Diagnostic Laboratory, now at MSU, and directed the University of Minnesota Equine Center from 2003 to 2013. She received her DVM from the University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College and her PhD in equine exercise physiology from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. She is board certified in large animal internal medicine and veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation.

The recipient of numerous honors, Valberg most recently was awarded the 2014 Richard Hartley Clinical Award from the British Equine Veterinary Association for her research that linked seasonal pasture myopathy to box elder tree seeds. In 2013, she was selected to deliver the annual American Association of Equine Practitioners Milne Lecture, which recognizes a lifetime of service with the potential to change the paradigms by which veterinarians and researchers understand the recipient’s particular area of expertise. In 2012, Valberg was inducted into the Equine Research Hall of Fame. She has twice received the Pfizer Research Excellence Award, and in 1998, received the EquiSci International Award, an honor presented every four years to the individual whose work most significantly impacts equine exercise physiology research.

Valberg is widely published. She has mentored more than 60 graduate students, interns, residents, and post-doctoral students and is a recipient of numerous awards for teaching and mentorship.

Valberg also is an active horsewoman and currently training Cajun, a young Warmblood, for three-day eventing.


Educational Presentation

8:30am – noon Morning Sessions: 

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch (Provided, from Shoup’s Country Foods) / Business Meeting

1:30pm – 5pm Afternoon Sessions:

  • Will include a break for Visiting with Vendors


  • Clinical Approach to Muscle Diseases
  • Genetic Testing in Horses
  • Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: Causes and treatment
  • Type 2 polysaccharide storage myopathy and Myofibrillar Myopathy in Warmbloods
  • Shivers and other movement disorders
  • Disorders related to vitamin E

Board Meeting Minutes – 2022 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-November 1, 2022

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on November 1, 2022.  The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by President Angela Blackwell. 

Minutes from the Spring Board meeting were discussed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report-Discussion was held about the need to increase the registration fees.   A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.

PVAA-Dr. Erin Wilson unable to attend the meeting but she sent her report to Dr. Blackwell.  The new Equine Hospital is open and running.  ADDL has several new PCR services available.  Two standing CT units are now available-at the main campus and also at the Shelbyville hospital.  Dr. Joseph Hayna is offering advanced reproductive services.  Vet school applications are still strong with 1500-1700 applicants.  Eighty nine students in the Class of 2026.  Consideration is being made to increase class sizes in the future.  Salaries for 2022 graduates average $115,000 with $155,000 in school debt incurred.  Veterinary nurses with a BS average $20.68/hr and Associate degree graduates average $18.00/hr.  You should be receiving your Alumni association dues renewal shortly.    

Purdue -Dr. Tim Lescun unable to attend the meeting. Dr. Sarah Waxman gave a brief report.  Dr. Couetil is looking for as nominee for the Equine Research Advisory Board.  The hospital is currently hiring nurses, assistants, and animal handlers.  There are several vacancies in Doctor specialties.  Standing CT is now being offered.  Procedure is relatively affordable beginning around $750.00.  No general anesthesia is required.

IVMA-No report.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  Herpes case reported in mid-March.  Twenty five percent morbidity rate in the barn.  April saw a case of Equine influenza-owner self-quarantined and no other cases were reported. In May a QH tested positive for piroplasmosis.  Case appears to have been a vertical transmission from the dam.  In June, a horse is Texas tested positive for EIA.  Further investigation discovered it had shipped illegally from Indiana.  No other horses at the Indiana facility tested positive.  Strangles was an issue at both race tracks this year.  There have been two positive West Nile and 3 EEE cases.

New Business-

  1. Two directors and President elect will need to be elected at the general membership meeting tomorrow
  2. Ideas are needed for future speakers.
  3. Increasing registration fees-students will remain free, possible increase for veterinarians to $95 and technicians/assistants $65. Drs Waxman & Blackwell will look into this and report back to the board.
  4. Since board meetings are held virtually, discussion held about possibly meeting the weekend before the general meeting. 

                With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT

Executive Administrator