Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

2024 - Celebrating 50 Years of Veterinary Education

Board Meeting Minutes – 2022 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-November 1, 2022

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on November 1, 2022.  The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by President Angela Blackwell. 

Minutes from the Spring Board meeting were discussed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report-Discussion was held about the need to increase the registration fees.   A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.

PVAA-Dr. Erin Wilson unable to attend the meeting but she sent her report to Dr. Blackwell.  The new Equine Hospital is open and running.  ADDL has several new PCR services available.  Two standing CT units are now available-at the main campus and also at the Shelbyville hospital.  Dr. Joseph Hayna is offering advanced reproductive services.  Vet school applications are still strong with 1500-1700 applicants.  Eighty nine students in the Class of 2026.  Consideration is being made to increase class sizes in the future.  Salaries for 2022 graduates average $115,000 with $155,000 in school debt incurred.  Veterinary nurses with a BS average $20.68/hr and Associate degree graduates average $18.00/hr.  You should be receiving your Alumni association dues renewal shortly.    

Purdue -Dr. Tim Lescun unable to attend the meeting. Dr. Sarah Waxman gave a brief report.  Dr. Couetil is looking for as nominee for the Equine Research Advisory Board.  The hospital is currently hiring nurses, assistants, and animal handlers.  There are several vacancies in Doctor specialties.  Standing CT is now being offered.  Procedure is relatively affordable beginning around $750.00.  No general anesthesia is required.

IVMA-No report.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  Herpes case reported in mid-March.  Twenty five percent morbidity rate in the barn.  April saw a case of Equine influenza-owner self-quarantined and no other cases were reported. In May a QH tested positive for piroplasmosis.  Case appears to have been a vertical transmission from the dam.  In June, a horse is Texas tested positive for EIA.  Further investigation discovered it had shipped illegally from Indiana.  No other horses at the Indiana facility tested positive.  Strangles was an issue at both race tracks this year.  There have been two positive West Nile and 3 EEE cases.

New Business-

  1. Two directors and President elect will need to be elected at the general membership meeting tomorrow
  2. Ideas are needed for future speakers.
  3. Increasing registration fees-students will remain free, possible increase for veterinarians to $95 and technicians/assistants $65. Drs Waxman & Blackwell will look into this and report back to the board.
  4. Since board meetings are held virtually, discussion held about possibly meeting the weekend before the general meeting. 

                With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT

Executive Administrator