Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

General Membership – 2020 Fall

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

General Membership Meeting, November 4, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 12:02 pm via Zoom call by Jake Jensen, DVM – President.

A motion to approve the minutes for the Spring General Membership Meeting was made and seconded.  Motion passed.

An overview of the financial statement was presented by Dr. Jake Jensen.  A formal report will be emailed later this week.

The Association recognizes the contribution of Dr. Terry Brandenburg, who passed away in January, 2021

BOAH report-Dr. Sandra Norman.  VS less in Missouri and Kansas.  Closer than usual.  EEE testing program for neurologic cases. Northeast Indiana and Michigan testing all neurologic cases.  Spraying for mosquitos in Northern Indiana.  Reimbursement available for veterinarians testing neurologic cases for EEE.  International shipping-quarantine at Churchhill Downs.  Can fly into Indianapolis.  African horse sickness reported in Thailand and Malaysia.

Purdue Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson.  Curbside service currently being used in hospitals.  New hospital construction is on schedule with Spring 2022 opening expected.  Horseman’s Forum will be virtual in February, 2021.  Dr. Wilson encourages membership in the Veterinary Alumni Association.

New Business:

                                Elections:  President elect-nominee Dr. Angie Blackwell.  No further nominations from the floor.  Motion made and passed to close nominations.  Dr. Blackwell is President elect for 2022.

                                Board of Directors:  Dr. Heather Solomon and Dr. Sarah Waxman.  No further nominations from the floor.  Motion made and seconded to close nominations.  Motion passed.  Dr. Solomon & Dr. Waxman elected to the board of directors.

Old Business:

                Dentistry Bill-Senator Leising-Lay people movement.  IVMA has a Practice Act task force. Task Force also looking at telemedicine, virtual PCR.    

With no further business needing to be brought before the membership, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 12:27 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Sigman, RVT