Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

Board Meeting Minutes – 2023 Spring

Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners, llc

Board Meeting-February 27, 2023

The semi-annual board meeting was held via Zoom call on February 27, 2023.

The meeting was called to order by President Dr. Sarah Waxman.

A lot of difficulties with communication this session.  Looking for new ways to communicate between board members.  Dr. Angela Blackwell discussed using GroupMe.  They currently use this application at their practice and seem to find it reliable.  Would need an administrator.  Dana Thompson is already doing a lot of these same duties so she will volunteer to be the admin.

Dr. Valberg is driving in for meeting.  Should arrive in Lebanon tonight.  Dr. Blackwell has breakfast and snacks handled.  Shoup’s will again be catering the lunch. 

Minutes from the Fall Board meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes, Motion passed.

Financial report.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.  Motion passed.   

Alumni-Dr. Erin Wilson-Next meeting is in March.  Nothing new to report since our Fall meeting.

Purdue -Dr. Waxman.  Hospital issues have mostly been resolved.  Still short staffed.  Emergency personnel have all left.  Dr. Camilla Jamieson, who is Internal Medicine credentialed is currently running the emergency services.

BOAH-Dr. Jennifer Strasser.  EHV cases in state and around the country.  Working on Center for Animal Policy-goes into effect July 1st.  Survey sent out to all veterinarians.  Please fill out and send back.

New Business-

                 Amanda Taylor has contacted Barbara Sigman about the IAEP scholarships for graduating Equine students.  IAEP in the past has donated $3000 to the top three equine students ($1500, $1000 & $500).  Discussion was held concerning continuing these scholarships.  IAEP will again award the scholarships with the stipulation that the winners must be continuing in the equine field upon graduation.  Dr. Waxman will monitor this situation with Purdue.

                 Registration fees-discussion held concerning the rising costs and the need to increase the registration fees.  Board decided that preregistration would increase for veterinarians to $95 and Technicians/Assistants to $65.  Students will remain at no charge.          

With no further business needing to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Sigman, RVTBarbara Sigman, RVT
Executive Administrator