IAEP Spring Meeting
Wednesday March 2nd, 2016
8am – 5pm
6 hours of Continuing Education
Chris Kawcak, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVS & ACVSMR
Dr. Kawcak is a Professor of Equine Surgery and Sports Medicine, Director of Equine Clinical Services and a senior scientist in the Equine Orthopedic Research Center at Colorado State University. In 2005, he developed the Equine Sports Medicine Service at Colorado State University, which has evolved into a 3 person practice with 3 staff, 4 residents being trained for ACVSMR certification, and an intern specializing in advanced imaging. The Surgery and Sports Medicine services are integrated with the Equine Orthopedic Research Center with the goal of advancement in equine orthopedics. This group not only focuses on clinical diagnostics and treatment, but also on development of new imaging modalities and therapies, and collaboration with many clinicians in practice, creating an intense focus on finding answers to clinically-relevant problems in the equine athlete. These advancements in imaging, therapies and rehabilitation are brought directly into clinical use by the group. Dr. Kawcak’s practice includes management of western performance horses, sport horses and racehorses, with an active surgical caseload focusing on orthopedics. CSU Bio
He will be speaking about various topics in performance horse pain, injury and treatment.
8:00 – 8:30 Registration & Visitation with Vendors
8:30 – 10:00 The Complexity of Identifying Performance-Limiting Pain in the Equine Athlete
Break-Visit Vendors
10:30 – 12:00 Advancements in Diagnostic Methods for Identifying the Cause of Pain in the Horse
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch / Business Meeting
1:30 – 3:00 Medical Options for Treating Musculoskeletal Pain and Injury in Horses
Break-Visit Vendors
3:30 – 5:00 The Equine Athlete – When to Compete, Treat, Rehab or Rest