Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

Since 1974 - Celebrating over 50 years of Veterinary Education

Vendor Information

Register Online
Please contact us if you would like to pay by check.

Welcome! Please join us at IAEP Membership Continuing Education Meeting, traditionally held on the 1st Wednesdays of March and November.

Next Meeting: Wedneday, March 5, 2025

We anticipate 60-100 Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians and students to attend this CE opportunity. This meeting provides your company with excellent exposure to the Indiana equine veterinary community.  Your help with these meetings has contributed to the strength of our organization and continued education of equine practitioners. 

Sponsorship of the display area, including registration and lunch for 2 persons is $300 advanced registration & $350 at the door.  We certainly appreciate your support.

Event Location


7:30 – 8:00 am

Vendor Setup

8:00 – 8:20 am

Participant Registration and time to visit with Vendors

8:30 – Noon

Morning Topics

Will include a break for visiting with Vendors (10:30-11:10am)

Noon – 1:25 pm

Lunch/Vendors/IAEP General Membership Business Meeting

1:30 – 5:00 pm

Afternoon Topics

Will include a break for visiting with Vendors (2:30-3pm)