Indiana Association of Equine Practitioners

2024 - Celebrating 50 Years of Veterinary Education


Board Members

Lydia Mudd, DVM

President (11/2023- 11/2024)

Kate Hodson, DVM

President Elect (11/2023 – 11/2024)

Sarah Waxman, DVM

Past President (11/2023- 11/2024)

Angela Blackwell, DVM

Director at Large (11/2022 – 11/2024)

Karin Jensen, DVM

Director at Large (11/2023 – 11/2025)

Natalie Skillman, DVM

Director at Large (11/20/22 – 11/2024)

Lexi Miller, DVM

Director at Large (11/2023 – 11/2025)


Sarah Waxman, DVM

Purdue University Veterinary School

Jennifer Strasser, DVM
Heather Solomon-Gabl, DVM

Indiana Board of Animal Health

Erin Wilson, DVM

Purdue Alumni

Bruce McDavitt, DVM


Brian Biggers, DVM

Indiana Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA)


Kari Brubeck


Dana Thompson

Sec/Treas Delegate, Technology/Vendor Contact


Article 1-Election of Officers

Section 1 Eligibility: Only active members shall have the privilege of holding office.
Section 2 Terms and Succession: President-Elect is a three year commitment serving a term of one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President, in immediate succession of one another. Members may serve more than one term, but at least 3 years must lapse between terms. The Secretary and Treasurer offices are terms of 3 years. Members may serve multiple terms, either consecutively or non-consecutively, if so elected.
Section 3 Tenure: Terms of office shall begin at the close of the last regular meeting of the calendar year in which the officer is elected and shall continue until the close of the last meeting of the calendar year in which the respective term ends or until successors to the offices have been duly elected.
Section 4 Nomination: The President-Elect will solicit or recruit nominees for the next President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer; and, these nominations will be presented to the membership. Additional nominees may be made from the floor. Any nominee named must, prior to balloting, give assurance that he/she is fully aware of the responsibility and demands of the office and, if elected, will devote time to carry out the duties of the office.
Section 5 Election: Officers will be elected by a majority of membership attending the last regular calendar year meeting. If two or more nominations are made for the same office, vote will be held by standing head count and if any candidate does not receive a majority of the votes cast on the first ballot, the names of the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be balloted upon again. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same member, if so elected by the membership.

Article II- Duties of Officers

Section 1. The duties of the President-Elect shall be: a) To preside at regular meetings of the organization in the absence of the President b) To take over the duties of President in the event that the President is unable to perform his/her duties. c) To secure continuing education speakers for the Spring and Fall meetings held during his/her term as president (i.e. one year in advance). d) To assist with coordination of meeting activities. e) To appoint two members to serve two years as Directors-at-Large. Director appointments are made at the conclusion of his/her term as President-Elect with director terms of service commencing immediately. f) To be President the following year. g) To create/maintain a document which is passed to his/her successor that details all duties of the office. h) To actively mentor his/her successor and remain available to his/her successor when assistance is needed.
Section 2. The Duties of the President shall be: a) To preside at regular and special meetings of the Association. b) To appoint liaisons as defined in Article II of the Constitution. c) To coordinate and supervise activities of the organization.
d) To appoint the members of all committees, designate the Chair of them, and delineate the duties of each committee. e) To create/maintain a document which is passed to his/her successor that details all duties of the office. f) To actively mentor his/her successor and remain available to his/her successor when assistance is needed.
Section 3. The Duties of the Past-President shall be: a) To audit the records of the Treasurer. An official audit of the year at the completion of the PastPresident’s term should be conducted and filed with the Secretary. b) To create/maintain a document which is passed to his/her successor that details all duties of the office. c) To actively mentor his/her successor and remain available to his/her successor when assistance is needed.
Section 4. The Duties of the Secretary shall be: a) To act as custodian of the records of the Association; including membership records, attendance for continuing education, and a history of officers and directors. b) To attend and keep minutes of all regular and special meetings. c) To preside at regular and special meetings of the Association in the absence of the President and President-Elect. d) To conduct the correspondence of the Association, and notify members of all meetings and dues requests. e) To serve as secretary of the Executive Board f) The secretary may delegate administrative tasks to paid or non-paid individuals. The tasks delegated, paid or unpaid, will be subject to executive board approval. g) To create/maintain a document which is passed to his/her successor that details all duties of the office. h) To actively mentor his/her successor and remain available to his/her successor when assistance is needed.
Section 5. The Duties of the Treasurer shall be: a) To be responsible for the financial records of the Association and for signing all checks. Bill payment, check signing, and keeping of these records may be delegated to a paid individual subject to executive board approval. b) To be the sole custodian of the funds of the Association. c) To cooperate with the audit conducted by the Past-President. d) To create/maintain a document which is passed to his/her successor that details all duties of the office. e) To actively mentor his/her successor and remain available to his/her successor when assistance is needed.

Article III- Executive Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President-Elect, President, Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, 4 Directors-at-Large, and the IVMA representative.
Section 2. Duties a) The Executive Board shall conduct any business of the Association which requires attention in the interim between regular or special meetings of the membership, or in cases where the need for prompt attention to a business matter precludes holding it for a meeting of the membership. b) The Executive Board will appoint a representative to serve as the Equine Representative on the IVMA Board.
c) The Executive Board shall report to the membership at each regular meeting all business upon which it has acted. d) The Executive Board shall faithfully uphold the Constitution, By-Laws, and Operating Agreement of the Association, and be guided accordingly in all its actions.

Article IV- Membership

Section 1. Types a) Active members, as defined in Article II of the Constitution, have full membership rights. b) Associate members participate in Association activities, but do not have voting rights. c) Permanent membership is awarded to prior Executive Board Members after reaching 65 years of age and entitles said members to membership, continuing education, and lunch free of charge. d) Honorary membership may be awarded to deserving individuals at the discretion of the Executive Board and entitles said members to membership, continuing education, and lunch free of charge.
Article V – Meetings
Section1 The semi-annual meetings shall be held in the Spring (i.e. February or March) and Fall (i.e. October or November), traditionally on the first Wednesday of March and November, respectively.
Section 2 The membership present at a duly called meeting shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 3 Special meetings of the Association may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Board, or upon petition of a majority of the active members. Notice, mail or electronic, of such special meetings and their purpose(s) shall be given to all members at least five (5) days before they are to be held. The business of a special meeting shall be limited to the purpose(s) for which it is called.
Article VI- Rules of Order Section1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings and circumstances not covered by the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws, and operating agreement. Article VII – Amendments Section1. These By-Laws may be amended or superseded at any meeting of the Association by a majority vote of the members present provided the proposed amendment or supersession is presented in writing and has been announced to the members present.
Section 2 Date Approved: November 5, 2014